Book Talk: Under Siege: Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation

On October 3, 2023, Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities (ECMC) along with the office of the Vice-Provost (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion), the ECMC Chair in Islamic Studies, Department of Political Science, and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (MEIS) research group co-sponsored:  Book Talk: Under Siege: Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation

The event commenced with a welcome address from the Honourable Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta followed by a musical performance, public talk by Jasmin Zine, Professor of Sociology and Religion & Culture at Wilfrid Laurier University and concluded with a reception.

Abstract: The 9/11 attacks in the United States and the subsequent global “war on terror” along with domestic security policies in western nations has impacted the lives of young Muslims whose identities and experiences have been shaped within and against these conditions. The generation of Muslim youth who have come of age during these turbulent times have a unique legacy because they have not known a world before the aftermath and backlash surrounding these events. Millennial Muslim youth have been cast as potential “radicals” and jihadists” who pose a threat to national security and western democratic societies. Dr. Jasmin Zine will discuss her book UnderSiege: Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation (McGill-Queens University Press, 2022) that explores the experiences of the ‘9/11 generation’ of Canadian Muslim youth as they navigate these fraught times of heightened Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism.

Jasmin Zine
